Saturday, August 29, 2020

Poem #002: Blue Ticks


Blue Ticks

I wish you were like everyone else with a cell phone,

I wish you checked your messages at night.

Then blue ticks would appear beside your name,

To show that my messages had caught your sight


I wish you were like everyone else with a house,

A door bell and knocker was all it took,

To enter, come, and talk to you,

About everything, and see if you understood.


I wish you were like everyone else with a friend,

I wish you held hands, laughed, and talked,

Or simply ran amok in the fields,

Or lustily cooed back when the cuckoo bird called


I wish you were like everyone else with a plan,

I wish you would let me in on it,

So I’d know what was expected of me,

Then all the pieces of the puzzle could fit.

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