Sunday, September 6, 2020

Poem #003: Cloud Face



For weeks the sky has been overcast.

We sit silently as we drive in your car.

 The wheels create a fountain-spray of the puddles when we whizz past.

The traffic lights change; you stop.

I find that even silence is not completely peaceful but a portent of the storm.

I don't know what this is,

I can't tell you that this is love and we should hold on.

Streams of rain blur the lights of the cars ahead of us.

The windscreen looks like an impressionist painting.

The air conditioning is turned on.

Our breath fogs up the window panes,

We are too old to do silly things like scribble hearts and our names on the foggy slate with cold fingers.

Why are we breaking up again?

Remind me.

You will forget me.

I am nothing but a point,

Fixed in time. And space.

You wander.

I can't afford to move.

Because I fear if I do...

You'll return to see a blank where a point used to be.

The policeman waves us through; you drive off coldly.

Listen to the pitter-patter on the metal roof, darling.

Cloud Face, it's okay to roll the windows down and wet the car seats.

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