Thursday, October 22, 2020

Poem #007: Horizon and View


Horizon and View


Horizon dragged View by her hair,

And went off to kill Nowhere,

Because he’d cheated on her.

The people cried after her—"Stop!"

But she wouldn't stop walking.


The Sky and the Earth laughed,

"Horizon, forget the lout!"

But she madly strove on,

Dragging View behind her,

Weeping for the pain caused.


The Sun watched this scene sadly,

Nowhere fleeing before Horizon,

And View trailing after,

"Horizon! Stop! You will go round and round!

Forgive him, love, and come to me."


"I know where you lie  at night,

In the home of the Sea,

So the love you  offer is not for me!"

So she keeps chasing after Nowhere,

Dragging View behind her.




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