Monday, November 2, 2020

Poem #008: Cloud Face 2


Cloud Face 2


Old friend is talking to new friend,

Says—"Now we're just friends,

It was so long ago."

All pretend to believe that.


New friend smiles stoically,

But secretly wants to hurt.

Old friend is way prettier than her.

Old friend is ecstatic at creating this jealousy.


"Do you still love her?"

Asks new friend when,

Old friend has flounced off.

The future depends on this answer.


Yes. And I always will.

I want to point out that,

I will extend to her the same courtesy.

Instead, I say, " I don't know."


New friend scowls at me.

This could get ugly.

Wish old friend would disappear,

As only old friend knows how to.


"Why did she leave you?"

We were never on the same page.

I was cruising along but she,

Said I was dragging her down.


Why are you feeling so vulnerable?

I love you.

Just ask CloudFace-

What it feels like to be stuck in the past.


I promised to love not hate.

Don't want to stop just because,

I don't see her every day.

Only CloudFace weeps for what he can't change.

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