Saturday, November 14, 2020

Poem #010: Time out


Time out

May I lean against you until I feel better?

I promise not to take up too much of your time.

I just want to hear your heartbeat thunder,

Because it tells me we're going to be fine.


I know I'm being selfish by keeping you out,

I've never told you where these scars come from,

But please let me stay next to you until I'm warm,

Before the sun comes up I've got to get down to the war.


You're the person I come to in a time out,

I am safest when I'm close to you,

But I can't let you battle the world on my behalf,

I've got to vanquish it and come through.


I can take my armor off at your door,

I don't have to be strong, because I'm not,

You own the blueprints to my soul,

So you know when I'm falling apart.


Let me lay my head to rest on your shoulder.

Let us watch the stars silently go down.

We're both battle weary and aching within,

This is just a momentary respite from the storm.

1 comment:

  1. Well worded, mature yet sensitive, vulnerable yet valiant. Jesus is my go to person, there is no one comparable to Him.


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