Saturday, November 28, 2020

Poem #11: Winter Heart


Winter Heart


Grey clouds herald dawn,

Branches of the coconut tree sway,

I sit by my window and brood,

Summer is still far away.


I’ve pushed everyone out of my life,

I’m afraid to be hurt again.

My heart is stone cold, and it chokes my breath,

But I won’t have it any other way.


In the last days it was predicted,

That warm hearts would grow cold,

Winter comes but twice a year,

And my indifference won’t break its hold.


I am waiting for someone to change my mind,

And make me believe in the force of true love,

Until then, let my life be frozen in time,

Like the grey ashes of a burned-out flame.

1 comment:

  1. The power of God's love is strong enough to melt the Winter cold, soften the hardness and put in a glow that will draw everyone in.


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